Auto Paint & Tinting


Paint 1







denton county's
best auto care.

Auto Paint

In addition to our PDR repair space, we are also excited to announce our paint booth! Our techs are specially trained with quality as a priority.

Vehicle Wraps

Hail Fighters also handle the vehicle wraps on your car today. We're trusted by customers, local companies and police departments.

Window Tint

Looking to add some tint to your windows? Doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you're in, our techs custom fit and professionally apply window tints.

don't wait, give your whip
a little character.

conveniently located.

call or stop by

Our COVID-19 Critical Action Response

Hello, my name is Eric. I am the owner and founder of Hail Fighters Auto Dent Repair and would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy start to the spring season, by offering this promo package to the DFW community.

At this time, all of our appointments are being scheduled over the phone, so you do not have to leave home. I’ve also set a mandatory sanitation policy for every vehicle that enters the facility, to ensure everyone’s safety. We are committed to providing our employees the healthiest environment in every way possible. We are also cleaning and disinfecting the interior of your vehicle to ensure a safe repair. 

Our current procedures are as follows: 

  • We will disinfect keys, steering wheel, shifting mechanisms and buttons that may be required to use, and covering seats with plastic seat covers. 
  • All employees are also required to wear gloves and a mask when inside customer vehicles. 
  • We are requiring extreme social distancing for those employees who must come to work. No more than three employees are allowed in the shop at any time, and they must remain more than six feet apart. We stagger employees’ schedules during the vehicle repair phase. 
  • We are requiring staff to use gloves any time they encounter exposed surfaces on or in our customers’ vehicles. 
  • We are screening employees and all visitors for symptoms and ensuring that sick employees, or those that may have been exposed to COVID-19, stay at home. 
  • Providing frequent education to all staff on the latest recommendations by CDC, WHO and CDPHE. 

Updated safety practices from our partners:
Our rental car partner, Enterprise Car Rental, has also implemented additional measures to mitigate the impact of the virus, including consolidating operations and taking additional steps to disinfect vehicles.


Once you have started your claim, we will waive your deductible as usual and with this promo code COVID-19 (2020) we are donating $500 dollars back to all of our customers for every approved hail claim. That’s right! We will be fixing your vehicle with no out of pocket expense and you will receive a $500 return for your business. We understand these times have been a financial burden for everyone and would like to relieve some of the stress by providing this reimbursement back to help our community.
This Promotion will be set as of 4/20/2020 and will end 5/20/2020.

Our Repair Process:

  1. Start your claim with your insurance provider and provide us with your claim number
  2. We pick up and drop off your vehicle.
  3. A rental car will be dropped off to replace your vehicle while it’s being repaired.
    • (No cost to those that qualify)
  4. All surfaces of your vehicle will be disinfected once complete
  5. Once your vehicle repair is complete, we will return your vehicle with a $500 reimbursement check!!!


Need help with Insurance Claims?

  • We are currently working with all insurance carriers via email and video calls for all estimates–
  • We will contact your insurance on your behalf if you haven’t already made a claim.
  • All documents will be handled through email or by phone.
  • You can also Feel Comfortable knowing It’s mandatory for our staff to stay in constant contact with you throughout the process. 

We make it simple and easy, let us help you get your vehicle looking brand new, as well as putting a little extra money in your pockets.

Give us a call today!
